Daniel Roy Greenfeld

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

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Taught my son yesterday

This was originally posted on blogger here.

He's been doing a lot more cycling and has started back up with Tae Kwon Do, albeit from the beginning. So far he's gone with me to one of my teacher's classes on monday nights with me. He really enjoys it, although he has trouble with the warm ups, but that will come with time.

So yesterday, on a Tuesday, he came to my teen class. I treated him like any other beginner, which meant a focus for part of the class on falling. My classes have a lot of falling and tumbling, and also get into sparring and a lot of rough contact. It will be months before he will be ready for that stuff in full, but this is the start.

He prefers the other class. That doesn't surprise me, since my class is limited to just 45 minutes and I have to cook in everything I can in that limited amount of time. Also, the falling part is different and a bit uncomfortable for him.

Tags: martial arts gym cycling family health kid legacy-dannygreenfeld
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