Daniel Roy Greenfeld

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

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New Year's Python meme

This was originally posted on blogger here.

Tarek Ziade blogged this first. I'm just following the herd cause thats what a lone wolf does...

1. What's the coolest Python application, framework, or library you have discovered in 2009?
[Django](https://djangoproject.com/) and [Pinax](https://pinaxproject.com/). Technically I discovered those in 2006 and 2008 respectively, but it wasn't until 2009 that I got to really dig in. Django was really a blast from the outset of 2009, but it was about five lines of code that made me realize this was the framework to follow. Pinax is like a magical function decorator for Django, what more can I say?
Sphinx rocks too. I don't use it enough!
2. What new programming technique did you learn in 2009?
Thanks to James Tauber I really got into JQuery. Thanks to Brian Rosner I really got into Git as a DVCS. Yeah, I know YUI and HG are part of things too, but my dark secret is that part of why I really dig JQuery and Git so much is the guys who got me started on those tools.
3. What's the name of the open source project you contributed the most in 2009? What did you do?
Its a toss-up between [Django Uni-Form](https://github.com/pydanny/django-uni-form) and [Pinax](https://pinaxproject.com/).
Django Uni-Form is my first successful open source project and about 75% of the code is mine, plus all the documentation and most of the marketing. Speaking of which, every NASA Django project (except for one) uses Django Uni-Form. Its in use by Discovery Channel, PBS, Washington Post, Washington Times, Richmond Times, and more. Of course, it wouldn't be anywhere near the success it is without the contributions of nearly a dozen people.
For Pinax I haven't done as much of the code as I wanted in 2009. Personal life issues swallowed up a lot of my time and energy, but I certainly evangelized and documented and taught it nearly every day. Pinax is not just me, its James Tauber, Brian Rosner, Jannis Leidal, and the rest of the Pinax and Django communities.
4. What was the Python blog or website you read the most in 2009?
Twitter. Certainly there are blogs I really enjoy following, but twitter is where it was at in 2009 for me. I read every blog it seems on Planet Python and Django, but my favorites include (in alphabetical order) [Alex Gaynor](https://lazypython.blogspot.com/), [Chris McDonough](https://plope.com/Members/chrism/), [Jacob Kaplan-Moss](https://jacobian.org/), [Jesse Noller](https://jessenoller.com/), and [Tarek Ziade](https://tarekziade.wordpress.com/).
5. What are the top three things you want to learn in 2010?
Driving cars.
How to cook again.
Much more Capoeira.
Something really nifty in Python I don't know yet.
How to count to three.

2 comments captured from original post on Blogger

Tom Clancy said on 2009-12-29

for x in range(5-2):

pydanny said on 2009-12-29

@Tom, you would have to do this:

for x in range(1, 2**2+2-2): print x

Tags: django holidays martial arts pinax blog legacy-blogger
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